Bernie Sanders has launched himself into the 2016 election with a power driven by a wide ranging demographic, and 26.2 million in donations and merch sales. Sen. Bernie Sanders stands on a libertarian socialist platform in the democratic race of 2016. Here are his stances on some key issues.
Gun Control
"In 1988, I lost an election because I said we should not have assault weapons on the streets of America. I don't know that there's any disagreement here."
- Bernie Sanders
Abolishing the gun show loophole
There are two different gun salesmen, those with a license and those without one.
Anyone claiming to have a business, a store, having business cards, running a website pertaining to selling guns must obtain a license to sell. That license requires you to perform a background check on all buyers. However you do not need a license to sell a gun, you can sell a gun to a neighbor, friend, family member, any really almost anyone else assuming they are not a minor. There is no number of how many guns you can sell before you are required to be licensed at the moment allowing people to sell guns at gun shows without conducting a background check on the buyer.
Instant background checks
Bernie has voted in favor of expanded background checks for all commercial sales with an exemption for sales between family, friends, and neighbors. Bernie has also voted in favor of a national instant background check system.
Banning of assault weapons
Bernie Sanders states that gun usage is typically different between rural areas and urban areas. The Vermont Senator has on many occasions stated that there is a widespread support of those wanting to ban assault weapons and supports actions to ban them.
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Veteran Care
“If you can't afford to take care of your veterans, then don't go to war.”
-Bernie Sanders
Increased aid for veterans and their families
Bernie Sanders has expressed his support of military and their families for a long time, and is a strong advocate of shifting money spent on war to be spent on giving military service members and their families better health care, better benefits, and a one-hundred percent tuition free college education for troops and their family members.
New laws for improved health care
The law Bernie Sanders has written would provide $5 billion to build 27 new medical facilities, hiring new doctors and nurses, as well as strengthening the VA's educational and trauma programs, and offering all veterans free dental care at VA centers.
Restore all cuts to military pensions
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Combating Climate Change
"The United States must lead the world in reversing climate change. We can do that."
-Bernie Sanders
Invest in Sustainable Energy
Bernie supports the spending of billions of dollars in sustainable energy, believing solar energy to be America's biggest hope for renewable energy.
"For every dollar invested in energy efficiency, families and businesses can enjoy up to $4 in energy savings, and for every billion dollars invested in energy efficiency upgrades we can create up to 7,000-8,000 new jobs, roughly ten times as many jobs as we would create from the same investments in coal" - (

Revolutionize Electric & Transportation Infrastructure
From intercity and interstate railways to the electric car Sen. Bernie Sanders wants to see a change in the carbon footprint our vehicles are producing, nearly 26 percent of America's Carbon Footprint. Bernie Sanders also would like to see the powerline systems to be updated to increase energy efficiency.
Lead the National Community in Solving Climate Change
If sworn in Senator Bernie Sanders pledges to convene a climate summit with the World's policy makers, scientists, and engineers to lead the largest countries and the rest to shift to a more
sustainable and renewable future.
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Post Written by Rowan Domayne Johnson
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