Sunday, February 28, 2016

How to Make Your Own Cheap/Free Canvas

Do you enjoy making art, but unable to afford premium art supplies? Here is a solution I have found for the high cost of canvas'.

You will need

A large sheet of paper (preferably poster board)
Scissors/Exacto Knife
Tape (glue works just as well)

Step 1: 
Measure out the dimensions you want your canvas to be. In this case the canvas is 10 inches tall and 6 inches wide. Once you have measured out your dimensions and squared your lines proceed to cut your cardboard in the shape of your canvas.

Step 2.

Measure your paper so that it is two inches wider then your cardboard on each side. This allows a two inch overlap which you will need to secure your paper to the cardboard. Example: since my base is 6X10 the paper needs to be 10X14. Once you have your paper measured cut it out.

Step 3.

Center the cardboard on the paper. Then cut along the dotted lines (illustrated above).

Step 4.

Once you have made the cuts, fold the extra paper back on it's self.

Step 5.

Fold the paper around the cardboard and tape it together (you can also glue it together). Make sure the paper is tightly pulled around the cardboard.

The final product

 A very cheap  way to make your own canvas. I have found that the unusually light canvas allows for easy wall mounting, and as long as the paper you are using is durable you can do whatever you like with it.

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Post Written by Rowan Domayne Johnson
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